208 pages | PDF/MP3|57 MB|Ingles
Have you struggled through tedious lessons and boring instruction books in your desire to learn to play the drumset? If you wish there was a fun and engaging way to motivate you in your drumset playing quest, then this is it: All About Drums is for you. Whether it's learning to read music, playing by ear, creating your own beats, or all of the above, this enjoyable guide will help you to finally start playing the beats and fills to your favorite songs in many different styles.
Plus, learn … read moreinteresting tid-bits on drumset makes & models, care and maintenance, additional percussion instruments, and other fun stuff about the drumset. This fun-filled, easy-to-use guide includes: * An introduction to the drumset * Step-by-step music reading instruction * How to create your own beats, fills, & solos * Background on various styles of music, including dozens of favorite songs * Performing tips * CD includes over 90 tracks for demo and play-along. Over 40 favorite songs, including: Come Together * Detroit Rock City * Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover * Hurts So Good * Message in a Bottle * Oh, Pretty Woman * Pour Some Sugar on Me * Shattered * Smells like Teen Spirit * Swingtown * Walk This Way * The Zephyr Song * and more.
Muchas gracias, para mi hermano que esta ancioso con la bateria.