
Robin Nolan - The Gypsy Jazz - Songbook Vol.1(book+cd)

Robin Nolan - The Gypsy Jazz - Songbook Vol.1(book+cd)
41 pages | PDF/MP3|140 MB
This book and CD was the first one I wrote and is the best place to start playing Gypsy Jazz. I put 11 of THE most played and famous Django and Gypsy Jazz standards in there so as to get you ready for a jamm session anywhere.

Even before it went to print I had my brother Kevin learn these tunes the way I laid them out in the book and it worked a treat!

Master These 12 Classics

Minor Swing
It Don't Mean A Thing
Django's Castle
Sweet Georgia Brown
Honeysuckle Rose

Oh! Lady Be Good
… read moreNuages
Douce Ambience
Blues For Ike
Dark Eyes

1 comentario :

  1. link Caido porfa arregluen esta serie de los libros de Robin Nolan - The Gypsy Jazz , algunos estan caidos tambien Gracias por todo :)
